The Spontaneous Voice

An introduction to vocal improvisation. Laurel will guide the group through interactive and solo exercises designed to open a cosmos of possibility, intentionality and artistry. Lift off requires only two things: a willingness to sing past your fears and to have a good time!

Soul Songs

Exploring the meditative and magical qualities of Tibetan bowls and the Indian shruti box as support and inspiration for the voice. Allowing pure vibration to carry us toward our own authentic impulse.

Singing on the Edge

Exploring the voice as instrument and learn to fly free, trusting your musical instincts! Working with a variety of playful exercises we will demystify music and find new ways to express our own unique sound. Looking at rhythm and harmony, vocal technique, texture and text, we will develop musical awareness and learn to let go into the unknown. Levels One, Two and Advanced.

Sound Journeys Introductory Class

Based on Laurel’s healing sound work since 2004. In this series, we will learn to use the voice in conjunction with Tibetan bowls and a variety of atmospheric instruments with the focus of connecting energetically, deep listening and development of intuition and intention.


For singers who would like to dive in and take advantage of the depth and continuity that a full weekend or week of singing provides. These workshops can be designed for singers of all levels, in or outside of Vancouver. Week long workshops may be tailored to suit the group and location.


Elements of Rhythm – Learn to clap notated rhythms, strengthen your time-keeping ability and understanding of common time signatures.

Basic Harmony – Scales, interval training, and basic theory.

Sightreading for Singers – Participants start by recognizing and singing intervals, harmonies and rhythmic notation.